History: The region now occupied by Quintana Roo was one of the most populated of the ancient Mayan Empire. Currently survive multiple ethnic groups and archaeological sites among which Chacchoben, Chakanbakán, Chamax, Coba, Dzibanché, Ichpaatán, Kohunlich, Muyil, Oxtankah, Tankah, Tulum, Tupac, Xel-Ha and Xcaret.

miércoles, 26 de mayo de 2010

Economy: Agriculture

It is one of the most important economic activities of its economy and basic rural areas. The state government has provided numerous agriculture to benefit certificates of ejido farmers and equip their respective areas of land. The Secretariat of Agrarian Reform supports the rural area has given certificates for land law provides Integrated Rural Development units and regulates agricultural-industrial units. In 1985 was experienced the most severe drought in recent decades, giving way to the creation of Emergency Program for Drought Affected areas providing financial support to those most affected. It has also been implemented marketing fertilizers for the proper use of agricultural production.